Webinar Replay
How do you make money feeding sheep?
Cost-of-gain is the single largest contributor to profit or loss. In fact, I'm running a webinar that will cover: feeding sheep for performance and managing cost-of-gain; how to analyse the profitability of a sheep trade using confinement feeding or feedlots; and common mistakes to avoid when running the numbers.
Our range of farm management tools and calculators value simplicity over complexity, giving you exactly what you need to make profitable decisions and keep thorough records.
Make profitable decisions for your farm
We use a range of software, apps and automation technology in our farm operations to coordinate and gather data however they have gaps... Over 15 years, we have developed a range of tools that take that information and allow us to make profitable decisions and keep thorough records.

with tools that support your existing software and apps

About us
We are Agricultural Management Company, a specialist agribusiness management, advisory and investment company.
We've been providing quality farm management and advice to farmers for over 15 years.